Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Frank Morroni Joins The Square!


The Republic Square Blog welcomes Frank Morroni as an associate blogger. Frank is an experienced Republican campaign and hot-air dispensing pundit, and will specialize in Election '06 updates. He also has the same poly-sci degree as yours truly, and therefore, can't make things any worse than they already are for you, the suffering reader. Welcome Frank!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having a variety of perspectives can only strengthen a forum such as this. I, for one, welcome the addition of Mr. Morroni's expertise to this blog and I am confident that the balance of opinions and knowledge provided by said addition will further honest discussion of conservative principles. Thus, I add my welcome to Mr. Rooney's, with a further expression of hope for the future of this blog, and the dialogue that I am confident it will engender.
