Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Principles, not Lieberman, Frighten Liberals in Wake of Primary

The two-party system took one to the chin Tuesday night, as three-term Senator Joseph I. Lieberman was defeated 52%-48%. An extreme-left upstart toppled a respected moderate statesman, raising serious questions about the future credibility of the Democratic Party. Yet no one, including Lieberman, seems to be depressed over his loss. Except, of course, for an awkward-looking Democratic leadership whose pained countenance contrasts strangely with Ned Lamont's used-car salesman grin. What is going on here?

Sen. Lieberman has the potential to be the ultimate spoiler for the '06 election cycle, and the mainstream Democratic leadership is all too aware of the consequences. In the heat of a contest where most indicators point to the Republicans losing their shirts, Lieberman now becomes the ultimate chink in the Democratic Armor going into the final stretch of the battle for Congress. Most seem to agree. Dick Morris and Eileen McGann argued today that Joe has tactical and policy advantages going into a three-way fight. ABC's the Note reports on, among other things, how Democratic senators are already divided on whether or not to support their old colleague. Even major news outlets seem torn between running with a fantastic political underdog story and slamming Lieberman for the vile, Bush-loving poor-sport they take him to be.

Yet even the most skilled analysts seem to be glossing over the crux of the current wave of Joe-mentum. Lieberman scares the Left because he represents a bold, underlined, seventy-two font sized footnote attached to the Democratic triumph already authored by Liberal pundits, reading:


A good conservative has to be cautious not to overstate the situation by canonizing the junior senator. Lieberman has been wrong on quite a few key and critical issues. However, what separates Joe from other Democrats and earns this observer's respect is a firm and passionate allegiance to his core beliefs and convictions. Particularly of relevance here, Sen. Lieberman's courageous choice to back the war to save Western civilization has earned him the ire of the liberal mobs that are currently completing their hostile takeover of the Democratic Party. He had opportunities to flip-flop on the war, as so many of his one-time supporters have done. But Joe Lieberman stuck to his guns on capital gains tax cuts, affirmative action, and numerous issues that led to rejection by the same party that almost made him Vice President six short years ago. He believes what he says and says what he means, embodying a trait absent from modern Liberals.

Now Joe Lieberman, once held up by his party during the 2000 election as a model of civility and statesmanship, has thrown down the gauntlet, struck his colors, and declared himself a rebel against the far-Left insurgency. As an Independent with intense media focus, he may become to many Americans the convincing and definitive example of why the Democratic Party is not to be trusted with stewardship of the U.S. Government. For this reason, more than any other, Lieberman will undergo an assault unwitnessed in modern political history. Whether or not he survives, let alone wins, the crucial lessons uncovered by the betrayal of Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman are invaluable. Lieberman now has the awesome opportunity and responsibility to shine a light on the moral bankruptcy and unprincipled state of the liberal movement, and consequently, stop it before it consumes the Capitol.

Other News from Around the Globe:

-Israel steps up Lebanon invasion, posting thousands of new troops on the border. Meanwhile, an Iranian dictator spews garbage about Bush, America, and Western values. But, we're not at war. Right, Ned Lamontites?

-Cynthia "Rocky" McKinney goes down for the count. Throw in the towel- a victory for common sense.

-Check out Hillary's new look... ?!

Until next time, long live the Republic!

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